Gregarious me
Monday, July 07, 2008
Time passes so fast. It's the second week already!
By the way,today is still the orientation day for the MUFY program.

Fish wanted to know so much about it. So,I am going to be just go through it briefly.

It will be a long post.

I arrived at the campus foyer at 9 am sharp. Next, the student leader asked us to form group of 10 then 30. I don't know why I am so socialable today.That I actually walked to a girl and talked to her. She is very nice. So, then and so on. So far, I met a some KL people like Oscar, Jinn, Wei Ying ,Don,Cyndi (she's from Sabah!), Asmund and a few of anonymous too!

Next , we had some motivational talk from Mr Richard and his wife. The talk is helpful. It's an aid to keep us motivated and being visionary. It's fun to participate the small games organised. I get to know more people!

Later, we proceeded to the don't-know-what. Leadership and whatsover. I was so unlucky today to be chosen as the leader or representative. In this session, my team was seperated into two and we have to build brige using straws. *like what Lowena did last time* Every 10 minutes later, I ;the representative have to meet with the other leader who is also from my team to discuss about the bridge that we are building in the meeting room.Just 2 of us; the whole team is going to wait at the other room to wait for the idea. So, we had a little brainstorm. What's so bad about it is we cannot express ,share and discuss to the opposite leader about the idea! Only verbal communication and we have to sit in a distance!

Lastly, we made it. But we didn't win. Although I think our bridge is the bridge that has the highest aesthetic value. The leader who joined the forces with me have a very odd name. His name is Filament. Sweatness... He asked me for bowling with Iswar but I couldn't make it. haha!

Lastly,we attended the workshop called "I am Me". It's my favourite phrase!
In this workshop. We'll have DISC test.DISC ,the whole thing is an acronym. Dominance,Influence,Steadiness and Conscientiousness .There will be a list of character inventory. We'll be tested on it and from the test, we'll be able to evaluate our true personality!

After the long and complicated test. I am proved to be 'S'. But I know that I am somehow to be amiable and persistence .That is not cool at all. But I'll take it. Because I took the test promptly and sincerely.

Result from the test shows that I trives in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere and limited territory.I am also emotionaly mature , unobtrusive *can trust kah?* and prone to leniency with myself.

My secondary personality reflects that I poised and meet stranger well *yeah~!* where people seems to respond naturally. I am often very fashionable dresser!

I split out all the words already. I think this whole post is going to be a bore.
Ok la...time to go.It's the last day of the orientation tomorrow.


4th May

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