Monday, April 09, 2007
Oh yeah.My bookshelf are now so not well-organized.Thanks to the fucking donation form.Yes,I spent 30 minutes searching for the damn good form and I ended up leaving my bookshelf untidy.So sad for Haow Zer and Leng Kai and even Freda with her fancy fan.Mario wasn't available today for the assembly.Same like usual.Freaking bored but something unusual today.Firstly,the Buff Daddy was so-honor to give speech with his so-standard English.well spoken.
Hell yeah,he is going to hire barber to cut our hair.
Well,today he embarrassed Haow Zer in front of 400++ students.Haow Zer was talking with Leng Kai.Well,it wasn't that obvious since the malai-chai behind us were so damn noisy.Sad thing for Haow Zer.Thanks to Ganesan the Loomis Amory Eckley the Second
That was nothing at all when the perm lady ,Ms. Drag Queen spoke.Yes,expected and unexpected words came out as well as grammar mistakes.Maybe she's really...I mean it! Since she's like don't care but we are sooo sooo sooo desperate to get her a English class. She always had the same problem in pronunciation. *oh snap,this reminds me of Freda* (Freda said,I am not a pronunciation!)
I am sorry for Leng Kai too.She was embarrassed by Ms.Drag Queen when Leng Kai talked with Haow Zer.Leng Kai was even treated even worst.I really felt bad about it but I still tease her.My Bad.
Sorry, Leng Kai for teasing you and spraying the air freshener on your school uniform.
and lastly,Freda's not losing her chance too to get her public attention when her name was announced too by Ms. Drag Queen during the assembly when she kept fanning with her fancy DORAEMON fan. Ms. Drag Queen said " Ini bukan main canggih lagi,ada kipas pula " .
Well,what can I saw when the 3 stooges are in the school.The school will have never ending chaos.Students will be living in the darkness....when the 3 obese stooges keep shoving students ass on the wall.
Let's conclude this post with an interesting monster name for Buff Daddy and Ms.Drag Queen