Sunday, March 25, 2007
Few moments ago,looking back at my old blog post.Yeah,Shannon the guy who loves flashlight on his face and Nana.You guys are right.I've to stop ditching and being so hideous.I am a cheapo. *nod nod*
So,I granted their wish and I deleted the old post.
Guess,I've tried to spare some time to post something but I've so much to do.Last Friday,I mean,yesterday was fun.I brought my cam that day and cam-whored with Haow Zer and Freda.
After school,I got my Reka Cipta test paper back,I got only 82. I am a bit pissed...Well,I mean after school I went for a movie in cineplex.It was a rush. We arrived sharp on and the movie got started after 6 minutes we sit back and relax for the movie.
Guess what? We loved 300! Although some irresponsible people forgot to switch off their mobile phone and some unethical act of my friends...Freda.She's weird.I am curious why was she looking at me so many times suddenly when she saw the girls with sexy bod...the scene when the creatures were having intercourse and other erotic parts.
Movie was OVER.We went back to our school for the GOTONG ROYONG.It was a hard day.We have to do gardening.Jesse Metcafle was running in my mind.I hope I am as HOT as him.After the job's done...we went for the cam-ing part again!
Here's the ....
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